Being an author (writer)
Lead writer: Mr Scott Carpenter
At Queen’s Crescent, we support our children to develop into articulate and imaginative communicators, who are well-equipped with the basic skills they need to become life-long learners. Through our reading spine and writing curriculum, we create a culture where children develop a genuine love of language and the written word.
Carefully chosen authors and books inspire both narrative and non-fiction writing. This is also supplemented by poetry and opportunities for children to write in styles/genres of their choice. Links are made to real life: children consider the purpose of their writing and the intended audience for it.
At Queens Crescent, we want all children to:
The national curriculum for English aims to ensure that all pupils:
How do we teach writing and why has this approach been chosen?
At Queen’s Crescent, we use Pie Corbett’s Talk for Writing approach to underpin all planning and teaching. Our progressive long term writing plan ensures a broad range of narrative and non-fiction writing units are covered in every year group. These are linked to the reading spine and to our wider curriculum enquiries. The texts that we teach are high quality, encompassing all aspects of culture and diversity, as well as looking at some historical texts and different dialect. Learning sequences are carefully planned to ensure all aspects of writing are covered and all children can be successful. The sequences are engaging and include opportunity for roleplay/drama and writing in role, character development, book talk and the opportunity for children to develop their own ‘writer’s voice’.
The teaching of spelling rules is taught in stand-alone sessions and is embedded within our writing units, as are curriculum words in key stage 2. At Queen’s Crescent the children use cursive handwriting. From year 2 upwards they are expected to begin joining their letters.
Children learn the disciplinary knowledge of being an ‘author’. To be successful author children need to:
Experiential learning:
Author visits, writing competitions, real-life opportunities (e.g. school newspaper), theatre trips
SEND pupils:
Pupils with SEND may need support in the following ways: scaffolds for text structure, images from texts to sequence, spelling word mats, ergonomic pens, sentence structure cards or jigsaws.
Environment (language-rich)
Modelled and shared writing, golden words (statutory spellings), writing toolkits, boxing up plans, examples of vocabulary linked to the text-type generated with the children.
What our writing lessons involve:
Re-cap prior knowledge |
These information recall activities may involve :
New information presented in small and simple steps |
Children are then given time to practise applying the new knowledge, in an effort to support working memory. |
Teachers pose carefully considered questions |
This allows pupils to deepen their understanding and teachers to assess where support is needed |
Clear modelling |
The teacher demonstrates a new concept or approach to learning. |
Scaffolding |
Children’s activities are matched to their needs. The learning is broken up into chunks and pupils are provided with the tools and structures needed to be successful. |
Working Walls |
These are used to display the learning journey through the unit of writing. |
Children’s learning is documented in writers’ books
Writing outcomes:
Our lead writer (Mr Carpenter) monitors writers’ books across the school. He also leads moderation within year groups and across the Pickwick Academy Trust. Teachers use cold tasks at the start of a writing unit to assess pupils’ strengths and areas for development; they adapt their planning accordingly in response to the needs of their class. Teachers use hot tasks to track children’s progress and attainment. Several ‘random writes’ are planned for throughout the year to allow children the opportunity to choose a style/genre to write in. Teachers ensure key writing skills for their curriculum are embedded before children move on.
Data is used to identify where extra support is needed, as well as continuous professional learning requirements for staff. The lead writer works closely with the link governor to evaluate the impact and outcomes of the writing action plan.
Appendix 1 Queen's Crescent 3 Stage Planning Structure for Writing
Whole School English LTP (Genre Coverage)
Being an author (writer)
Lead writer: Mr Scott Carpenter
At Queen’s Crescent, we support our children to develop into articulate and imaginative communicators, who are well-equipped with the basic skills they need to become life-long learners. Through our reading spine and writing curriculum, we create a culture where children develop a genuine love of language and the written word.
Carefully chosen authors and books inspire both narrative and non-fiction writing. This is also supplemented by poetry and opportunities for children to write in styles/genres of their choice. Links are made to real life: children consider the purpose of their writing and the intended audience for it.
At Queens Crescent, we want all children to:
The national curriculum for English aims to ensure that all pupils:
How do we teach writing and why has this approach been chosen?
At Queen’s Crescent, we use Pie Corbett’s Talk for Writing approach to underpin all planning and teaching. Our progressive long term writing plan ensures a broad range of narrative and non-fiction writing units are covered in every year group. These are linked to the reading spine and to our wider curriculum enquiries. The texts that we teach are high quality, encompassing all aspects of culture and diversity, as well as looking at some historical texts and different dialect. Learning sequences are carefully planned to ensure all aspects of writing are covered and all children can be successful. The sequences are engaging and include opportunity for roleplay/drama and writing in role, character development, book talk and the opportunity for children to develop their own ‘writer’s voice’.
The teaching of spelling rules is taught in stand-alone sessions and is embedded within our writing units, as are curriculum words in key stage 2. At Queen’s Crescent the children use cursive handwriting. From year 2 upwards they are expected to begin joining their letters.
Children learn the disciplinary knowledge of being an ‘author’. To be successful author children need to:
Experiential learning:
Author visits, writing competitions, real-life opportunities (e.g. school newspaper), theatre trips
SEND pupils:
Pupils with SEND may need support in the following ways: scaffolds for text structure, images from texts to sequence, spelling word mats, ergonomic pens, sentence structure cards or jigsaws.
Environment (language-rich)
Modelled and shared writing, golden words (statutory spellings), writing toolkits, boxing up plans, examples of vocabulary linked to the text-type generated with the children.
What our writing lessons involve:
Re-cap prior knowledge |
These information recall activities may involve :
New information presented in small and simple steps |
Children are then given time to practise applying the new knowledge, in an effort to support working memory. |
Teachers pose carefully considered questions |
This allows pupils to deepen their understanding and teachers to assess where support is needed |
Clear modelling |
The teacher demonstrates a new concept or approach to learning. |
Scaffolding |
Children’s activities are matched to their needs. The learning is broken up into chunks and pupils are provided with the tools and structures needed to be successful. |
Working Walls |
These are used to display the learning journey through the unit of writing. |
Children’s learning is documented in writers’ books
Writing outcomes:
Our lead writer (Mr Carpenter) monitors writers’ books across the school. He also leads moderation within year groups and across the Pickwick Academy Trust. Teachers use cold tasks at the start of a writing unit to assess pupils’ strengths and areas for development; they adapt their planning accordingly in response to the needs of their class. Teachers use hot tasks to track children’s progress and attainment. Several ‘random writes’ are planned for throughout the year to allow children the opportunity to choose a style/genre to write in. Teachers ensure key writing skills for their curriculum are embedded before children move on.
Data is used to identify where extra support is needed, as well as continuous professional learning requirements for staff. The lead writer works closely with the link governor to evaluate the impact and outcomes of the writing action plan.
Appendix 1 Queen's Crescent 3 Stage Planning Structure for Writing
Whole School English LTP (Genre Coverage)