Being a Scientist
Lead Engineers: Mr Joe Coles
At Scientists at Queen’s Crescent, we aim to develop the children’s scientific knowledge through the principles of physics, biology and chemistry. These principles are delivered through an engaging enquiry approach that ensures our children are equipped to understand scientific uses today and for the future. As we further embed a culture that promotes the skills required to help the children answer questions about the world around them, we also invest in our children as future citizens of the world.
In many ways, we are preparing our children for jobs that do not yet exist! As the adults of the future, the children of today must become practised at taking risks. They must also acquire a broad range of subject knowledge, in addition to drawing upon on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art! By providing our children with opportunities that nurture a sense of excitement and curiosity in natural phenomena and the wonderful world around them, we instil a love of learning.
The substantive knowledge that our children acquire throughout each enquiry, is enhanced through the following areas of scientific enquiry:
The national curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils:
How do we teach Science and why has this approach been chosen?
Science is taught through our enquiry led curriculum approach where children are able to use new knowledge across different areas of learning. However, teachers make it explicit to the children that they are learning Science knowledge and skills and the children are encouraged to think like ‘Scientists’
Our Science curriculum progression girds are used in order to ensure disciplinary and substantive knowledge build year on year. This ensures that by the end of year 6, pupils have the skills and knowledge to support their future studies.
Science outcomes:
Science is monitored by the Science leads throughout the year in the form of book looks, lesson observations and pupil conferencing. Classroom displays evidence the work the children have completed throughout a design unit as part of a wider enquiry question.
Teachers continually assess children in Science lessons and progression grids act as a reference for end of year expectations for each year group and teachers are aware of the entry and exit points for their children.
Stem Club Over the Summer of 2022, our hope is that after school, teacher led clubs are able to return in a safe way. Mrs Marsh and Mrs Reid look forward to welcoming children across the school to take part in a range of fun extra-curricular activities that intrigue the minds of our budding young Scientists!
Queen’s Crescent in Bloom! All classes across the school have been invited to take part in a school wide competition to discover which year groups are the most 'green-fingered'. Classes will be challenged to create a floral display close to their classrooms. The School Council have been really busy writing to local businesses for support and we have had lots of kind donations such as soil, bulbs and planters. |
Our kind sponsors for this school event are:
Mr Essam will choose a winning class with the support of the school at the end of Term 5!
Good luck and happy planting!