Welcome to Year 6


In Year 6 this year we have Mr Coles, who will be teaching in Raven Class and Mr Carpenter and Mrs Boddington who will teach in Lark class. Mrs Wariner is our wonderful teaching assistant who will be supporting us across the cohort each day. We are also lucky enough to have Mrs Smith covering Raven Class on a Tuesday afternoon.

The enquiries we will be learning this year are: 

How are lives saved?

Who were the greater engineers - The Ancient Britons or the Victorians?

Linnaeus and Darwin - how are they connected?

Where does our food really come from?

How do we all live together?

Why are shadows important?


How big is your footprint?


These enquiries will form the basis of much of our subject learning throughout the year (Science, history, geography, DT, art and music) while we will continue to follow the Discovery RE scheme and Jigsaw for PSHE.  We will be enjoying plenty of outdoor PE sessions. Our English (both reading and writing) will take inspiration from our enquiry topics.


If you have any questions about life in Year 6, please email admin@queenscrescent.wilts.sch.uk 


At the end of the academic year, our Year 6 children move on to their chosen secondary school.  Most of our children move on to either:


   Hardenhuish Sheldon  Abbeyfield  


For further information about each term, please look out for our termly newsletters and any event letters that are sent home with the children.

Please click below for:



Please click to view Newsletters:



Image result for PDF Term 1

Image result for PDF Term 2

Image result for PDF Term 3

Image result for PDF Term 4


Image result for PDF Meet the Teacher Presentation 2023/24


Image result for PDF Y6 Residential PowerPoint Presentation (pdf format)

Image result for PDF Y6 Book Recommendations

To purchase any of the books listed or for additional genres please click the link below:-



 Homework in year 6


Dear Parents,

This year, homework will be set to help the children prepare for their year 6 SATs assessments in May. In this booklet, are revision mats for the following subjects:

  • Maths
  • SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar)
  • Reading comprehension
  • Spelling rules

Each Wednesday, the children will be asked to complete the pages for that week only, to be handed in every Wednesday.

The answers have been provided so that homework can be self-marked at home, allowing teachers the opportunity to quickly assess gaps in the children’s understanding and adjust their teaching accordingly.

Homework club

Once a week, the year 6 team will provide an optional homework club at lunchtime for children that will benefit from extra support with their learning.

Additional reading at home

Even in year 6, reading opportunities at home are incredibly important for the children. This could be sharing a book together, an adult reading to a child or vice versa and/or the child reading independently.

In year 6, our expectations are that children read a minimum of 4 times at home during the week and it is recorded in their reading diaries. Teachers will check these every Monday. Most importantly, we want to encourage a love of reading in all children.

What should I do if my child doesn’t understand the homework?

We are more than happy to spend time offering support before the due date and can also help during the homework club.


We hope that this approach will support the children’s learning, as well as help prepare them for expectations at secondary school.

Thank you for your support.

Year 6 Team
